Smack 'em with your staff and get magic! Classic 2D platformer action!

The magic staff wielding girl Tobari can get various kinds of magic from her enemies as she clears through the stages in this sidescrolling platformer. [Simple to learn.]Straightforward action platformer with uncomplicated controls. Easy to pick up and play! [Over 30 kinds of magic to use!] Launch flames, walk on water, ride a broom, stop time...! What's available on each stage is different, so there's a lot of ways to play! [Keep two types of magic on hand!] Tobari can carry two different kinds of magic at once. Attack with fire, then change to wind to jump higher... You can do all sorts of combinations. [Gameplay accessibility features! ] For people not used to action games, or those who don't have a lot of time, you can have a fun adventure with Enjoy Mode! Have more lives, safe from pits, it's all good!

Product Details

Released at
Nov 16, 2023
Nintendo Switch


Fantasy Violence

© Mediascape Co.,Ltd. / Desunoya

©Nintendo 2017